How do I as a Pro Member get started on GiANT OS

As a Pro Member, here's how to get started on GiANT OS:

1. Your Dashboard:

Every user has a Dashboard which includes a “Profile” and “Actions”.

  • The “Profile” screen is an informational page with that member’s leadership Voice order, contact information, title, location and team details. 
  • The “Actions” screen stores all Assigned Actions details.

You will want to build out your profile to fill in your customized information. Select the “Build My Profile” tab to do this.

If you have not yet take the 5 Voices Assessment, you will want to go to your “Library” on the left side panel and take the assessment. This will populate your Voice order in your dashboard.


2. Assigned Actions:

An Account Owner, Admin or Team Leader can assign assessments and courses to you as a member.  

When an action has been assigned to you, you will receive an email with the details including the due date. You will also find a list of your assigned actions within your Dashboard under the heading “Actions”.

3. Library:

You can access all of the Pro assessments, courses and resources by selecting the “Library” tab on the left side panel. Simply find the library item you would like to enter and select the tile. This will open up the item for you to begin the assessment or course.


4. Teams:

On the left side panel, you may see a list of your organization’s teams. You will have access to any of the teams that you are a member. When you select a team, you will see a tab for each of the following:

  • Overview - which shows any assessment results for that team
  • Members - a team Voice composition and a listing of each team member with their Voice order information
  • Actions - which allows you to see any actions that have been assigned to you


5. Toolkit and Directory Access:

On the bottom right corner of the screen, you will notice a  “G” icon. Selecting this icon allows you to gain quick access to the toolkit and the directory.

At the bottom of the pop-up screen you can toggle between “toolkit” and “directory”. When you are on the “Toolkit”, you can search a tool by name or scroll, find the tool and select it. 

When you are on “Directory”, you can see a list of every member within your organization. Select a name and you can see their profile information including which team/s they are in and their email address. Select the blue “View Full Profile” to see all of the profile information.


6. Support:

At any time, if you have questions or need help navigating the GiANT OS, select the “Support” tab on the left side panel. This will open up the GiANT “Help” Center. Type in your question and select from the provided articles. If no article is helpful in answering your question, feel free to use the “Get In Touch” tab and submit a support ticket. A member of our team will get back with you.

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