Note: Workspace settings are only available for GiANT OS account owners and individuals they have designated as admins. A general user will not have access to these settings. If you are a GiANT Guide who is wanting to adjust this setting on behalf of one of your clients, you will need to access their client workspace first. Click here to learn how. |
To add a Catalyst license to your account:
1. Login to your account.
2. If you already own a Catalyst license and are wanting to add more license, follow these instructions. (if you have never purchased a Catalyst license, see step 9).
3. Only the owner of the GiANT account, or if you are designated as an "Admin" on the account, can add a Catalyst license.
4. If you have one of these designations then login to your account.
5. Go to the upper left hand corner dropdown and select "workplace settings".
6. Since you as a Catalyst already have a license, you can just add another license to your subscription. Go to "Licenses", and find your Catalyst license and select "Edit". Then select "Edit Subscription". Find the "+" and add another license. Be sure to scroll down and select the blue "Confirm Purchase" tab.
7. Now you need to assign that license to the appropriate user/member. Go back to the Catalyst license an "Edit" the subscription" and assign the license to the user. (If you have not added that user to your account yet, you will need to go back and "Add Member" first, then assign them to that license.
8. If you need to add the member before you assign the license to them, go back to "Invite Members", add that user, then assign the Catalyst license to them.
9. If you have never purchased a Catalyst license before, go to your upper left hand corner dropdown menu and select "Workspace Settings".
10. Select "Plans".
11. Select the blue "Learn More" tab.
12. Put in your credit card information and toggle to either monthly or annual payments and add the number of Catalyst licenses you would like to purchase. Select "Pay Now".
13. You will need to assign the license/s to the members you would like to receive them. Go back to the Catalyst license an "Edit" the subscription" and assign the license to the user. (If you have not added that user to your account yet, you will need to go back and "Add Member" first, then assign them to that license.
14. If you need to add the member before you assign the license to them, go back to "Invite Members", add that user, then assign the Catalyst license to them.
15. The Catalyst tab with "University will automatically be assigned to that user. The next time they login a pop up screen will appear asking which Basecamp they would like to join. They will also be added to our Slack Catalyst Community so they can join our bi-monthly support calls and get access to our Catalyst HQ support team and the Catalyst Community.
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