How do I edit the visibility of content for my members

Note: A general user will not have access to workspace settings and cannot edit content visibility. Only account owners, Guides and Admins have the functionality to manage visibility.


You can manage the content that appears in the library for your members. All courses and assessments are defaulted to "visible", but you as the Guide, Owner or Admin on a workspace can edit or hide content from your users. Here's how:
1 .Login to your GiANT OS account.
2. Go to the upper left hand corner dropdown menu and select "Workspace Settings". 
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3. On the left side panel, select "Content Visibility"
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4. Select or Deselect all content or scroll down and individually select or unselect courses or assessment you would like to hide from your members. Be sure to select the blue "save" tab before exiting.
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